50th Class Reunion

       It was great to see everyone at our reunion!!! Copies of the directory will arrive in your inbox after the new year. 

     Need to update your contact information send email to Somerseteagles1974@gmail.com

     For other questions or requests email   Somerseteagles1974@gmail.com

See what is next for our class below and don't miss the photo gallery. 

What is next for the Class of 1974?

Tentative plans for a "70th birthday" party in July 2026


Class Reunion Committee

Co-chairs    Nancy (Urban) Kozuch and Cindy (Holt) Wickham

Rob Coleman Randy Ferry       Linda(Mostoller) Ellis

Maggie (Boose) Norris             Scott Saylor                                 Tom Qualters

LeeAnn (Trimpey) Young       Steve Walters

Tom Wickham Cathy (Will) Zborovancik